Princìpî Italiani

Princìpî Italiani

11 May 2024 | 21:00

Palazzo del Turismo

Bellaria Film Festival and Lago Film Fest join forces in a shared competitive selection to support and promote young talents in Italian cinema who are taking their first, but already very promising, steps through their short films.

Princìpî Italiani: a career boost project over two festivals that intends to turn the spotlight on five young authors who will be selected from the Lago Film Fest and Bellaria Film Festival entries.


A Missed Call by Francesco Manzato

Ci saranno i droni by Giulia Valenti

hết by Santiago Agustìn Torresagasti

L’architetta Carla by Davide Minotti, made with Valeria Miracapillo
Lose voice toolkit by Adele Dipasquale
Racconto d’inverno by Andrea Lenci

Regia di Francesco Manzato, Giulia Valenti, Santiago Agustìn Torresagasti, Davide Minotti, Adele Dipasquale, Andrea Lenci



Francesco Manzato, Giulia Valenti, Santiago Agustìn Torresagasti, Davide Minotti, Adele Dipasquale, Andrea Lenci