4 April 2022

BFF Hub: 4 film workshops for young film lovers!

Bellaria Film Festival 40 opens a new teaching and meeting programme for young film lovers and young film workers, from 12 to 15 May 2022.

Four workshops with tutors and experts, to bring emerging young filmmakers together with European professionals.

Registration is open until 18 April on the BFF website.

The BFF will offer hospitality for the nights from 12 to 15 May, to the participants.

BECOMING PRODUCERS | A workshop dedicated to young producers, their creative role and how to accompany an author.

WHAT A CRITIC! | A workshop dedicated to young critics, telling about a film, writing about it, forming their own taste. Built on the beautiful films that will be at BFF!

PROGRAMMER – The right film, when and where | A workshop for young programmers, to know which is the right film, which is the right place, to build the backbone of every festival: the films you watch in the hall.

GIURIA GIOVANI – A workshop dedicated to young  studying cinema, who will decide the winner of the Casa Rossa section.